The future is calling!
Will you answer?
We use the most advanced call-based campaign management system.
You get high performance consumer-initiated calls, because a call is worth so much more...
By leveraging our patent-pending fraud detection technology and our advanced custom reporting platform, we can offer you the most cost-effective call program.
While many call performance marketing companies talk about quality measurement and call fraud, We Speak Media® does something about it.
Our proprietary Fraud Posse™ technology systematically monitors our marketing partners to identify any call fraud practices that drive calls. The system alerts us and pinpoints the original source so you only receive quality calls.
Ring Audit™ monitors critical metrics of individual call sources and analyzes call data to identify call sources that are unproductive, in order to optimize performance.
As a result, we continuously eliminate call sources that do not send high quality calls to you.
The most important aspects of any pay-per-call campaign is to utilize a quality tracking technology platform.
Create a custom profile and start receiving calls from consumers that are actively searching for your services.